PD 115 - Effective Time Management

Skills Advisories: ENG 70 or ENG 80.

Students develop the skills necessary to effectively manage their time, develop and set realistic goals, and improve their ability to overcome issues that cause procrastination.

Text Books/Course Materials
Important Section Information
Section Information as of 09-FEB-2025 12:02:50 AM

  • Title: PD 115 Effective Time Management
  • CRN: 80448
  • Instructor: Cenorina Castelo
  • Instructor: Cenorina Castelo
  • Section Corequisites: NONE
  • Bldg/Room: H 305 Humanities Building

  • Meeting Time
    T W R F 09:00am - 12:20pm 305 Humanities Building 06/12/23 06/16/23
    M 10:00am - 01:20pm 305 Humanities Building 06/12/23 06/16/23
    Seating Availability
    Waitlist Availability
    Capacity Taken Available Capacity Taken Available
    26 26 0 0 0 0
    Critical Dates for this Course
    Term: Summer 2023
    Last day to add class: 12-JUN-2023
    Last day to drop with an enrollment refund: 12-JUN-2023
    Last day to drop without a "W": 12-JUN-2023
    Last day to drop with a "W": 14-JUN-2023
    Census Date: 13-JUN-2023

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