FS 173 - Screenwriting I

Prerequisites: English 070 and English 098 or by placement exam.

Study of the elements of dramatic writing for the cinema: the three-act structure, character delineation and motivation, conflict development and pacing, dialogue and subtext, and unifying the message. Analysis of feature film screenplays for their structure, pacing and characterization; writes scenes in correct format; and completes a treatment for a feature film or television.

Text Books/Course Materials
Important Section Information
Section Information as of 13-DEC-2024 10:12:56 AM

  • Title: FS 173 Screenwriting I
  • CRN: 55831
  • Instructor: Michael Stinson
  • Instructor: Michael Stinson (Lab)
  • Classroom/Web Instructional Method
  • Section Corequisites: NONE
  • Bldg/Room: WCC 302 West Campus Classroom Building

  • Meeting Time
    T 03:00pm - 05:05pm C 302 West Campus Classroom Building 02/24/25 05/24/25
    3.8 hours/week
    Seating Availability
    Waitlist Availability
    Capacity Taken Available Capacity Taken Available
    30 12 18 0 0 0
    Critical Dates for this Course
    Term: Spring 2025
    Last day to add class: 03-MAR-2025
    Last day to drop with an enrollment refund: 25-FEB-2025
    Last day to drop without a "W": 03-MAR-2025
    Last day to drop with a "W": 15-APR-2025
    Census Date: 04-MAR-2025
    Crosslisted Sections
    CRN Course Title
    58006 ENG173 Screenwriting I
    Seating Availablity
    Capacity Taken Available
    30 19 11

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