CRMO NC017 - Playing the Ukulele: For Older Adults

Teaches older adult students strumming, finger picking, chords, and improvisations needed to successfully play the ukulele. Students experience the physical and emotional health benefits of music performance, including improved manual strength and dexterity and an improvement in mental focus. For beginners as well as seasoned musicians.

Text Books/Course Materials
Important Section Information
Section Information as of 13-OCT-2024 03:10:41 PM

  • Title: CRMO NC017 Playing the Ukulele: For Older Adults
  • CRN: 65860
  • Instructor: M. Eje Lynn-Jacobs
  • Instructor: M. Eje Lynn-Jacobs (Lab)
  • Section Corequisites: NONE
  • Bldg/Room: SCHOTT 06 Schott Campus

  • Meeting Time
    T 06:00pm - 06:55pm HOTT 06 Schott Campus 01/23/23 03/18/23
    T 07:00pm - 07:55pm HOTT 06 Schott Campus 01/23/23 03/18/23
    Seating Availability
    Waitlist Availability
    Capacity Taken Available Capacity Taken Available
    30 30 0 0 0 0
    Critical Dates for this Course
    Term: Spring 2023
    Last day to add class:
    Last day to drop with an enrollment refund:
    Last day to drop without a "W":
    Last day to drop with a "W":
    Census Date: 18-MAR-2023

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