CIS 117 - Introduction to SQL Programming

Course Advisories: CIS 101.

Incorporate SQL to retrieve, insert, update and delete information from relational databases. Create row and aggregate functions, inner and outer joins, set operations, subqueries and parameter queries.

Text Books/Course Materials
Important Section Information
Section Information as of 10-DEC-2024 10:12:19 PM

  • Title: CIS 117 Introduction to SQL Programming
  • CRN: 68724
  • Instructor: Jon Bek
  • Internet/Web Instructional Method
  • Section Corequisites: NONE
  • Bldg/Room: Online Class

  • Meeting Time
    4.5 hours/week
    Seating Availability
    Waitlist Availability
    Capacity Taken Available Capacity Taken Available
    30 7 23 5 0 5
    Critical Dates for this Course
    Term: Spring 2025
    Last day to add class: 08-APR-2025
    Last day to drop with an enrollment refund: 03-APR-2025
    Last day to drop without a "W": 08-APR-2025
    Last day to drop with a "W": 01-MAY-2025
    Census Date: 09-APR-2025

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