AUTO 150 - Automotive Brakes, Suspension, & Steering Systems

Presents the theory, operation, diagnosis, service, and repair of automotive brakes, suspension, and steering systems, including disc and drum brakes, electronic braking systems, tire service, and wheel alignment. This course offers preparation for the ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) A4 and A5 industry certification tests. This ASE Education accredited course provides hands-on application of lecture materials in the lab. Employability skills will be discussed and practiced in this course including: effective time management, maintaining a professional attitude working in a culturally diverse workplace, and industry-standard organizational habits and ethical behavior.

Text Books/Course Materials
Important Section Information
Section Information as of 09-DEC-2024 08:12:42 PM

  • Title: AUTO 150 Automotive Brakes, Suspension, & Steering Systems
  • CRN: 69214
  • Instructor: Bob Stockero
  • Instructor: Bob Stockero (Lab)
  • Instructor: Russell Granger
  • Instructor: Russell Granger (Lab)
  • Section Corequisites: NONE
  • Bldg/Room: A 181 MacDougall Admin Center

  • Meeting Time
    W R 01:00pm - 02:20pm 181 MacDougall Admin Center 01/27/25 05/24/25
    W R 02:30pm - 04:35pm 181 MacDougall Admin Center 01/27/25 05/24/25
    Seating Availability
    Waitlist Availability
    Capacity Taken Available Capacity Taken Available
    24 24 0 4 4 0
    Critical Dates for this Course
    Term: Spring 2025
    Last day to add class: 08-FEB-2025
    Last day to drop with an enrollment refund: 08-FEB-2025
    Last day to drop without a "W": 09-FEB-2025
    Last day to drop with a "W": 04-APR-2025

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